Orthopedics Bundle 2021

  • Registration Closed

This package includes a variety of courses to help build a strong foundation in common primary care orthopedic issues. The bundle includes common orthopedic concerns, pitfalls to watch for, evaluation of knees and upper extremities, common spine issues, and radiology interpretation of extremities.

Total Credits: 6.5 contact hours; 1.5 are pharmacology
  • Includes Credits

    Common musculoskeletal primary care complaints involve low back, hip, shoulder, or knee pain. In this session, the learner will develop a greater understanding and confidence in discerning between common differential diagnoses for these regional musculoskeletal pain complaints. Additionally, learn to formulate an initial treatment approach to these common primary care musculoskeletal conditions. | 1.50 credits (0.25 pharmacology) | $40.00

  • Includes Credits

    Highlight commonly missed diagnoses and review these pitfalls in orthopedics using case studies. Using actual patients with actual complaints and issues, we give a fun review of Pitfalls in Orthopedics. | 1.00 credits (0.50 pharmacology) | $10.00

  • Includes Credits

    The evaluation of patients who present with the chief complaint of “ knee pain” will be the topic of this discussion. Sensitive and Specific history and physical exam techniques will be reviewed. Diagnostic strategies and management planning, including telemedicine best practices, will be reviewed. | 1.00 credits (0.25 pharmacology) | $10.00

  • Includes Credits

    During this presentation, a systematic process for evaluating and describing upper and lower extremity radiographs will be described. Through reviewing selected upper and lower extremity radiographs, participants will visualize essential anatomic landmarks as well as identify and describe common patterns. | 1.00 credits (0.00 pharmacology) | $27.50

  • Includes Credits

    Upper extremity pain and injuries are common. This presentation will assist the primary care and urgent care provider in understanding common pathology affecting the non-traumatic adult shoulder. Common pathologies will be discussed in detail such as rotator cuff tears, impingement, biceps tendonitis, & AC pathology. Common provocative physical exam techniques will also be addressed. We will also cover other pathology that can mimic shoulder pathology. Case studies, radiographs, and demonstrations will be used to enhance the learning process. | 1.00 credits (0.25 pharmacology) | $27.50