Radiology Interpretation: Chest and Abdomen
- User - $27.50
Radiographic interpretation continues to be very difficult for providers especially those who are new or changing roles. This course will give you a strong introduction to the understanding and reading of chest X-rays including an abdomen series. Multiple digital x-rays will be used to demonstrate normal vs. abnormal variants. This discussion will be using primarily adult-based radiographs.
Credits: 1.00 contact hours; 0.00 are pharmacology
Expiration Date: December 31st, 2025
As a result of this activity, the learner will be able to:
- Identify normal from abnormal CXR including pneumonia, pneumothorax, rib fractures, CHF, Thoracic compression fractures.
- Identify key landmarks on a chest radiograph including heart, lungs, osseous structures, diaphragm, mediastinum, and pulmonary vasculature.
- Identify urgent from non-urgent abdomen x-rays and the difference between free air and stomach gas, ID difference between SBO and ileus.

Dr. Christopher Hemmer, DNP, ANP, ONP-C, FAANP
ANP, Piper Spine Care
Assistant Professor, Saint Louis University School of Nursing
Dr. Hemmer has been board certified as an adult nurse practitioner since 1999. He is also a board-certified orthopedic nurse practitioner and a fellow of the American Association of nurse practitioners. His area of specialty is in adult spinal disorders for the last 22 years. He currently evaluates new patients as well as established pre and post-operative patients. Chris has spent over nine years moonlighting in the emergency department in the past as well.
Dr. Hemmer started teaching as an adjunct for Saint Louis University in 2007. In the fall of 2013, Christopher accepted a full-time position with the school of nursing as an assistant professor for graduate students. He has co-taught several graduate-level courses over the years as well as performed as a guest lecturer during residency for the NP students. Chris has been receptive for several years to teaching in the clinical setting as a preceptor for NP students interested in spinal diseases and wanting to increase their radiology knowledge. Dr. Hemmer chairs a cadaveric CNE course yearly for spine specialists. Chris has presented various spine topics on the local, state, and national level over the years.
Dr. Hemmer research area is in vertebral compression fractures and osteoporosis. Specifically, the identification and management of fractures and osteoporosis in the adult population is a strong area of interest.
Obtain Your Credits
To earn credits for this activity, you must complete all course components in the following order: 1) complete a three-question pre-test; 2) watch the course presentation video; 3) complete the course evaluation; 4) pass the post-test with a score of 2/3 (66.7%) or higher. You may retake the post-test until a passing score is achieved, at which point you will be able to view/print a copy of your certificate of completion. This online certificate will also be saved within your profile dashboard transcript for future access.
Designation Statement
NPACE designates this educational activity for a maximum of 1.00 contact hours, of which 0.00 is pharmacology credit. Participants should claim only credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Accreditation Statement
Nurse Practitioner Associates for Continuing Education (NPACE) is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC).
In addition to ANCC, NPACE is approved as a provider of continuing education in nursing by: the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP8720 and Florida CE Broker #50-1476.
Contributing faculty, Dr. Christopher Hemmer, DNP, ANP, ONP-C, FAANP, have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
All planners and contributors involved in this educational activity have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
The material presented in this continuing education program is being made available for educational purposes only and is not intended to represent the best or only methods, medications and/or guidelines appropriate for the medical situation discussed. Rather the material is intended to present an approach, view, statement, or opinion of the presenter(s), which may be helpful, or of interest to other practitioners and should not be used by clinicians without the evaluation of their patient’s conditions and possible contraindications on dangers in use, review of any applicable manufacturer’s product information, and comparison with recommendations of other authorities. NPACE disclaims any liability, loss, injury, or damage incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any information given in a presentation.
Disclosure of Unlabeled Use
This educational activity may mention the uses of products that are not approved by the FDA for the indication(s) being discussed. The presenter(s) are instructed to notify participants when they are discussing unapproved uses or investigational agents. The opinions related to unapproved uses of products are solely those of the presenter(s) and are not endorsed or recommended by NPACE. Please refer to the official prescribing information for each product for discussion of approved indications, contraindications, and warnings.
Commercial Support
There is no commercial support for this activity.