NONPF Module One - Foundations and theoretical frameworks of education
- User - $130
This module will review the foundational and theoretical frameworks relevant to creating effective learning experiences in the classroom and clinical areas for nurse practitioner students. The learner will gain an understanding of integrating the principles of adult learning and national standards of nurse practitioner education into programs across multiple learning settings. Student resources and supports to promote best practices to facilitate learning will be discussed.
*Excluded from promotions
Total Credits: 4.5 contact hours; 0.0 are pharmacology
Release Date: September 26, 2022

Shannon Idzik, DNP, ANP, Shannon Idzik, DNP, ANP-BC, FAANP, FAAN
Associate Dean, DNP program
University of Maryland
Dr. Idzik is an Associate Professor and Associate Dean for the DNP Program at the University of Maryland School of Nursing. Prior to her current role as the Associate Dean of the DNP program, she served as the program director for the Adult-Gerontology Primary Care NP program and the Director of the DNP program. She currently maintains a faculty practice as a nurse practitioner in the University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Medical Center in the Comprehensive CARE Center where she cares for uninsured/underinsured and medically complex patients. Dr. Idzik is the incoming president-elect for the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) and previously served as Treasurer and the NONPF representative to the current revision of the National Taskforce Criteria for Evaluation of NP programs, the 19 member task force that sets the national standards on NP education in the US. She is active in the professional community, serving as a Collegiate Commission on Nursing Education (CCNE) site visitor, visiting and assessing schools for accreditation. She has served as a president of the Nurse Practitioner Association of Maryland (NPAM) and subsequently led recommendation #1 to remove scope of practice barriers for advanced practice nurses on the Maryland Action Coalition (part of the Future of Nursing) for more than five years. As a Fellow of the Wharton Executive Leadership Program and Leadership for Academic Nursing Program, Dr. Idzik received in-depth leadership training, which she has used to enhance her professional career and mentor others. She is a TeamSTEPPS Master Trainer and has led leadership programs for national organizations. She has served on numerous state workgroups and has spent the past 3 years serving as one of 11 non-federal members (and the only NP) on a federal advisory commission to make recommendations to the United States Congress on diabetes care in the US.

Jaclyn Conelius, PhD, FNP-BC, CHSE, FHRS, FNAP, FAA
Fairfield University
Dr. Jaclyn Conelius is the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) program director and an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) who maintains a current practice. Her interprofessional clinical experience includes greater than twenty years in cardiology and primary care. Her primary research centers on advanced directives, heart failure, cardiac device therapy, and inter-professional nurse practitioner (NP) education. Her continued commitment to advancing clinical practice through innovation has inspired her to develop an extensive simulation training program. This pioneering work in teaching via simulation pedagogy led to being tapped to chair the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty's (NONPF) inaugural Simulation Committee. Under her leadership, this committee has developed extensive training series, the first simulation portal; and issued the first-ever set of national guidelines for simulation-based NP education. She has published multiple articles and book chapters and a population health book. Her work is nationally and internationally recognized as she is a fellow of the international Heart Rhythm Society (FHRS), a fellow of the interprofessional National Academy of Practice (FNAP) and recently a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.

Leonie DeClerk, DNP, PhD, APRN
Clinical Associate Professor
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Dr. Leonie DeClerk has over 14 years experience as a faculty member at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. As Director of the Doctor of Nursing Program she led development, implementation, evaluation of the post-BSN to DNP NP curriculum. She has developed and taught numerous courses in the MNSc and DNP programs. She provides mentorship for new faculty and advises students. She works closely with other departments to ensure legal compliance and facilitate student success.