NONPF Module Four – Clinical Education and Evaluation
- User - $145
This (course/module) will inform the learner on the tools used to design, manage, execute and evaluate clinical experiences. It will explore the design and use of competency-based outcomes. Additionally, learners will hear strategies to overcome clinical challenges at all levels and learn innovative ways to provide quality clinical experiences. The role and responsibility of faculty in conducting site visits and evaluating clinical skills is reviewed.
*Excluded from promotions
Total Credits: 5 contact hours; 0.0 are pharmacology
Release Date: September 26, 2022

Kathleen Sparbel PhD, APRN, FNP-BC
Clinical Associate Professor
University of Illinois at Chicago
Dr. Sparbel has led graduate nurse practitioner education since 1998 at the University of Illinois-Chicago College of Nursing. During her tenure, Dr. Sparbel has served as Program Director for the Family Nurse Practitioner specialty, Campus Director of the Quad Cities and Peoria Campuses, and Population Health Nursing Science Interim Department Head. As FNP Program Director, she coordinated expansion of the FNP program to double the number of students and mentored numerous faculty across six campuses; as Campus Director, she initiated continuing education programs and informational newsletters to clinical preceptors. Dr. Sparbel consulted with the University of Peking Medical Center and provided IPE education to Guyana health professionals. She was instrumental in curriculum development as Curriculum Committee Chair, developing the post-DNP certificate and co-developing an interprofessional nurse practitioner rural health concentration. Her curriculum consultation to the University of Bahrain assisted development of Bahrain’s first graduate specialty nursing education program. Since 2020, Dr. Sparbel has chaired the Microaggression in Clinical Settings Taskforce for the UIC College of Nursing. Through the taskforce, she has led faculty guideline development and faculty awareness/training regarding microaggressions and faculty and college response to microaggressions. Dr. Sparbel champions interprofessional collaboration. In 2000, she co-founded and was inaugural President of the first bi-state (Iowa/Illinois) NP/PA professional organization. Dr. Sparbel represents the CON on the UIC IPE Strategic Planning Taskforce, implementing IPE curriculum across UIC health college professions. She has been instrumental in developing IPE since 2013 and chairs the Peoria Campus IPE Immersion Day, bringing hundreds of students together for an interprofessional team and simulation experience. As NONPF member and leader since 2000, Dr. Sparbel chaired the Faculty and Preceptor Development Committee, strengthening clinical education support through the Preceptor Portal, and is led revisions to the 3rd edition of the 2022 Clinical Education and Preceptor Manual. Dr. Sparbel has published and presented on nurse practitioner and DNP education to regional, national, and international audiences. She is recognized for her expertise in nurse practitioner curriculum and mentorship of nurse practitioner clinical education.

Dana Burns DNP, FNP-BC
Clinical Assistant Professor
Virginia Commonwealth University
Dr. Dana Burns is a Clinical Assistant Professor at the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) School of Nursing (SON), affiliate faculty with VCU School of Pharmacy, facilitator with the VCU Health Professions Faculty Development Initiative team, lead clinical educator at VCUHS Department of Endocrinology, and the Director of Practice-based Interprofessional Education for the VCU Center of Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Care. The focus of her career has been to bridge the gap between classroom, clinic, and community through the creation of active engaging teaching/learning experiences drawn from research based, theory driven pedagogy. Dr. Burns works to fully engage leadership and various stakeholders to build collaborative agile work cultures that constantly innovate and improve our educational programs. She is an active member of the NONPF Faculty Development Initiative Committee.

Kristine K. Browning, PhD, APRN-CNP, FAANP
Associate Professor of Clinical Nursing
The Ohio State University College of Nursing
Dr. Kristine Browning is the assistant dean for graduate clinical programs and an associate professor of clinical nursing at The Ohio State University College of Nursing. Dr. Browning’s professional career began in 1999 as a certified adult nurse practitioner, providing care to oncology patients and continues to practice in cancer survivorship. She began her teaching career in 2012, and has taught across the nursing curriculum, now focusing on doctoral education and mentorship of doctoral students. Since 2015, Dr. Browning has been focused on APRN education leadership at OSU and during this time has been passionate about student clinical placement, appropriate preceptor recruitment, and the student experiential learning experience. Dr. Browning’s national program of research includes the examination of underlying determinants of tobacco use in order to further understand tobacco use behavior, including to whom providers deliver treatment and the development and testing of tobacco dependence treatment interventions among underserved or disadvantaged populations. Blending her clinical interest in oncology and training as a behavioral nurse scientist, Dr. Browning has also examined salient oncology survivorship issues such as preferences of cancer survivors and health care providers for treatment summary and survivorship care plans (TS/SCP), evaluating the accuracy of TS/SCPs and their literacy levels for patient and family use.

Susan J. Corbridge, PhD, ACNP, FAANP, FCCP, FAAN
Clinical Professor Emeritus
University of Illinois Chicago
Dr. Susan Corbridge is a Clinical Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois Chicago College of Nursing. She has been a graduate nurse educator, nurse practitioner and scholar for more than 25 years. As a faculty member, Dr. Corbridge has served in many administrative roles including Director of the AG-ACNP program, Director of the DNP Program, Associate Dean of Faculty Practice, and most recently, Executive Associate Dean. Dr. Corbridge maintains an active interprofessional clinical practice with the Division of Pulmonary Medicine, providing care to a medically underserved, inner-city population. Her scholarship is focused on innovative team-based, nurse-led practice and educational strategies centered on social determinants of health to inform educational initiatives, curricular reform and clinical practice. Her teaching, practice and educational leadership have been recognized through multiple university, state, and national awards including the Nurse Practitioner Educator of the Year Award from the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties, the 2021 American Association of Nurse Practitioners State Award for Excellence, and designation as a fellow in the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, the American College of Chest Physicians, and the American Academy of Nursing.