Acute Care Bundle 2025

As we know, patients are more acutely ill than ever. This 13-course bundle covers caring for patients with sepsis, infective endocarditis, acute respiratory failure, and fractures. Ventilator management, end of life care, and diagnostic testing/imaging are also addressed. Acute Abdominal emergencies and the evaluation of the acute abdomen has been added to this new bundle. This is a must have for any practitioner within the acute setting! *Content is accessible for 90 days post purchase*

Total Credits: 14.00 contact hours; 4.33 are pharmacology
Expiration Date: December 31st, 2025
$340.00   $380.00
  • Includes Credits

    This session will provide updates in best practice for sepsis care based on the changes in the 2021 Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) and will help the learner easily assimilate the changes on the topics of fluid resuscitation, vasopressor use, antimicrobials, adjunctive medications, and patient education. | 1.0 credits (0.75 Pharmacology) | $30

  • Includes Credits

    This will be an interactive presentation and discussion about end of life care, from when to start to talk about Palliative care to how to get your patient comfortable and and provide holistic care to the patient and the family! | 1.0 credits (0.33 Pharmacology) | $30

  • Includes Credits

    Infective endocarditis (IE) is defined by a focus on infection within the heart and is a feared disease by clinicians as the challenges posed by IE are significant. IE frequency occurs in patients without heart disease, those with devices and in intravenous drug users. With the rising increase in this disease, it is imperative that clinicals are able to recognize and promptly treat these individuals. Learn about risks for IE, diagnosis and treatment, and the lasts relevant guidelines. | 1.0 credits (0.50 Pharmacology) | $30

  • Includes Credits

    In this cost conscious era, NPs need to be aware of what test will provide the most amount of information to make appropriate clinical decisions. Diagnostic tests are ordered to answer specific questions. NPs need to be aware of the sensitivity and specificity of each test, as well as associated appropriate use criteria. Information will be provided on, but not limited to multiple forms of testing such as stress testing, echocardiograms, nuclear test, and ultrasound imaging. | 1.0 credits (1.25 Pharmacology) | $30

  • Includes Credits

    A discussion of Acute respiratory failure, and the importance of quickly identifying and treating. In this session we will discuss how to ID and effectively treat to avoid organ damage, and death. We will discuss what we do wrong in practice that can cause long term damage and often death. What can we learn from our mistakes? How can we work with multiple teams to provide the best care? The discussion of Acute respiratory failure will benefit all practitioners in the outpatient setting as well as the inpatient setting. | 1.0 credits (0.50 Pharmacology) | $30

  • Includes Credits

    This session will discuss the use of various spinal imaging. Topics include review of routine imaging with an emphasis on CT, MRI, and other advanced spinal imaging used in and outpatient. Numerous case studies with imaging of commonly encountered pathology will be discussed. | 1.0 credits (0 Pharmacology) | $27.50

  • Includes Credits

    This session is a crash course into some of the newest ways to diagnose ACS, some new risk factors in women, new physical exam findings that can help you assess severity of heart disease and some new apps that are helpful in clinical medicine. | 1.0 credits (0.25 Pharmacology) | $30

  • Includes Credits

    This session will evaluate the top 5 most common fractures encountered by ER, UC, and primary care settings. Topics include evaluation and management of these injuries as well as possible red flags that can occur. | 1.0 credits (0 Pharmacology) | $27.50

  • Includes Credits

    Post ICU syndrome (PICS) refers to long term cognitive, psychiatric, and/or physiological dysfunction in the ICU survivor. This talk will discuss risk factors, manifestations, prevention and management strategies, as well as interventions to assist in a safer transition to home for the ICU survivor. | 1.0 credits (0.25 Pharmacology) | $30

  • Includes Credits

    This interactive case-based discussion reviews the role of the Acute Care NP in recognizing and managing difficult airways of critically ill and injured patients. Airway assessment tools and positioning strategies are reviewed in detail. A variety of advanced airway tools are thoroughly examined, including pros and cons of each. Additionally, medications to aide in airway management are covered to equip the Acute Care NP knowledge to safely prescribe during the stressful situations of difficult airway management. | 1.0 credits (0.50 Pharmacology) | $30